North Runcton

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Book list


Bryant's Map of Norfolk in 1826
Larks Press Edition

Paperback - 89pages, 1999

The Larks Press; ISBN: 0948400714


Arise, Sir Michael Caine  
William Hall

Paperback - 359 pages new edition (15 February, 2001)

Blake Publishing Ltd; ISBN: 1903402298


What's It All About?  
Michael Caine

Paperback - 512 pages new edition (1 July, 1993)

Arrow; ISBN: 0099218518



Life Amongst the Troubridges
Laura Troubridge, Jaqueline Hope-Nicholson (Editor)

Hardcover - 224 pages Revised Ed (25 February, 1999)
Tite Street Press; ISBN: 0953474607


Letters of Engagement, 1884-1888  
Adrian Hope, Laura Troubridge, Marie-Jaqueline Lancaster (Editor)

Hardcover - 496 pages (11 January, 2002)
Tite Street Press; ISBN: 0953474615

Tite Street Press



War, Ice and Piracy  
Dominick Harrod (Editor)

Hardcover - 192 pages (26 October, 2000)
Chatham Publishing; ISBN: 1861761384

(out of print July 2003)


"The Gurneys of Earlham Hall" Vols 1&2 by Augustus Hare.
George Allen, London 1895.

"Elizabeth Fry, A Biography" by June Rose.
MacMillan 1980. ISBN 0 333 23806 0

"A Tale of Two Journeys"
A pair of travel diaries by Joseph and Katharine Fry, husband and daughter of Elizabeth. The introduction mentions Daniel Gurney and the time spent at his house in Runcton by Katharine and Rachel Fry. (ISBN 1 902173 201)

"The Northrepps Grandchildren" by Verily Anderson
Mallard Reprints 1979. ISBN 0 904623 99 8

"Friends and Relations Three Centuries of Quaker Families"
by Verily Anderson.
Hodder and Stoughton 1980. ISBN 0 340 22214 x
