North Runcton

The school in 1947


This photo was sent from California by Margaret Pratt (nee Crane), who dates it from around 1947. She identifies the following people in it:

Teacher: Miss Green

Back row, left to right: Beryl Berry, Arthur Harowing, Jean Pilot, ????, Margaret Crane, ????, ????,

Standing front row: Barry ?, ????, Brian Gates, Margaret Rush, ????, ????, ????, Moreen ?

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Miss Green joined the school in November 1945 from West Winch school. At that time the Headmistress, Miss Linton, had fallen ill and Miss Green presumably was appointed Headmistress following Miss Linton's death in January 1946. Miss Green remained at the school until Christmas 1952, when she was succeeded as Head Teacher by Mr Manning. (Mr Manning was in post until Christmas 1958, followed by Mr Clayton, who stayed until July 1960. Mrs Hannam was then temporary Head Mistress until the arrival of Mr Graham in January 1961.

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